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1. Authenticate


Submit your Bearer Access Token for client credential authentication.

Use the AccessToken API to generate your bearer token.

Read the Get Started documentation if you are unaware of your client credentials.

2. Retrieve Cross Connect Information

Retrieve a Cross Connect List

 Method GET
End point /v1/cross-connects
Headers Authorization
Query Parameters billingAccountNumber, interconnectionPanel, interconnectionPortStatus, limit, offset
Body n/a


Sample Curl Request

curl --location --request GET '<billingAccountNumber>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'


Query Parameters

Field Name Mandatory Type Description
billingAccountNumber true string(45) Customer Business Account Number
interconnectionPanel false string(80)

Cross Connect Interconnection Panel Identifier

interconnectionPortStatus false string(enum) Status of Cross Connect Interconnection Port [Pre-Wired, Available, In-Service].
limit false integer The maximum number of search results to return.

Default value: 25
offset false integer The number of items to skip before returning the search results.

Default value: 0




Sample JSON Response

    "result": [
            "id": "ABCDEF123ABCDE",
            "billingAccountNumber": "123-12345678",
            "site": "DFW010",
            "interconnectionPanel": "",
            "interconnectionPortId": "111",
            "interconnectionPortStatus": "In-Service",
            "mediaType": "Ethernet",
            "zPanelId": "",
            "zPortNo": "11"
            "id": "ABCDEF123BCDEF",
            "billingAccountNumber": "123-12345678",
            "site": "DFW010",
            "interconnectionPanel": "",
            "interconnectionPortId": "222",
            "interconnectionPortStatus": "In-Service",
            "mediaType": "Ethernet",
            "zPanelId": "",
            "zPortNo": "12"
            "id": "ABCDEF123CDEFG",
            "billingAccountNumber": "123-12345678",
            "site": "DFW010",
            "interconnectionPanel": "333.01.01.123",
            "interconnectionPortId": "333",
            "interconnectionPortStatus": "In-Service",
            "mediaType": "Ethernet",
            "zPanelId": "333.12.12.12",
            "zPortNo": "13"
    "links": [
            "self": "",
            "first": "",
            "next": "",
            "last": ""
    "total": 8


Payload Description

Field Name Type Description
id string(20) Identifier of the Cross Connect.
billingAccountNumber string(45) Customer Business Account Number.
site string(6) Data Center Site Code.
interconnectionPanel string(80) Cross Connect Interconnection Panel Identifier.
interconnectionPortId string(4k) Cross Connect Interconnection Port Number.
interconnectionPortStatus string(enum) Status of Cross Connect Interconnection Port.

values: [Pre-Wired, Available, In-Service]
mediaType string(enum) Cross Connect Physical Medium.

values: [Ethernet, Fiber, DS1]
zPanelId string(80) Z-end Customer Panel Identifier.
zPortNo string(4k) Z-end Customer Port Number.

Retrieve Cross Connect Details

 Method GET
End point /v1/cross-connects/{id}
Headers Authorization
Query Parameters n/a
Body n/a


Sample Curl Request

curl --location --request GET '<id>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'


Query Parameters




Sample JSON Response

    "id": "ABCDEF123ABCDE",
    "site": "DFW010",
    "billingAccountNumber": "123-12345678",
    "customerCabinet": "AB.ABC.00.01",
    "customerPanelName": "AB.ABC.00.01 to",
    "customerPortId": "222",
    "customerLabel": "ABC to 123",
    "interconnectionPanel": "",
    "interconnectionPortId": "111",
    "interconnectionPortStatus": "In-Service",
    "portComment": "Customer comment",
    "mediaType": "Ethernet",
    "serviceLevel": "Connectivity-Standard",
    "connectedTo": "Company Name",
    "caseNumber": "123456",
    "installDate": "2022-06-01",
    "orderingParty": "Ordering Company Name",
    "circuitId": "ABCDF12345678",
    "carrierCircuitId": "IC-12345",
    "zPanelId": "",
    "zPortNo": "11"


Payload Description

Field Name Type Description
id string Identifier of the Cross Connect.
site string Data Center Site Code.
billingAccountNumber string Customer Business Account Number.
customerCabinet string Customer Cabinet Name.
customerPanelName string Customer Panel Name.
customerPortId string Customer Port Number.
customerLabel string Custom Customer Label.
interconnectionPanel string Cross Connect Interconnection Panel Identifier.
interconnectionPortId string Cross Connect Interconnection Port Number.
interconnectionPortStatus string Status of Cross Connect Interconnection Port [Pre-Wired, Available, In-Service].
portComment string Custom Customer Port Comments.
mediaType string Cross Connect Physical Medium.
serviceLevel string Cross Connect Product Type [Connectivity-Standard, Connectivity-Prem, Connectivity-ICC, Connectivity-SLXCT].
connectedTo string Cross Connect Z-end Customer Name.
caseNumber string Work Order Case Number.
installDate string Cross Connect Installation Date.
orderingParty string Is Customer the Ordering Party.
circuitId string Cross Connect Circuit Identifier.
carrierCircuitId string Cross Connect Z-end Carrier Circuit Identifier.
zPanelId string Z-end Customer Panel Identifier.
zPortNo string Z-end Customer Port Number.

Response Codes

Text (formatted, long)

Please check the Response Codes overview in case of any issues.

Need Help?

Have not found what you are looking for, please do not hesitate to reach out to us!
