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Notifications-v1 1.0.0


1. Authenticate

Text (formatted, long)


  1. You should have registered in our developer portal. Check this link about how to register an Account.
  2. You should request access to the playground, sandbox and production environment using our Support page. Here is the link to support page to request access to our environments.
  3. You should have an App created in your account to get the client id and client secret. Check this link about how to create an App.

Note : The time data attribute on APIs follows a 24-hour clock starting at 00:00 and ending at 23:59.



The bearer token obtained after successful authentication should be passed as credential when calling this API for authentication. Check the Access Token API link for instructions on how to generate your bearer token.



Read the Get Started documentation if you are unaware of your client credentials.


2. Get Information

Text (formatted, long)

Get Account Information

Master account Id and account Id need to be passed in the header for this API call. This is needed to indicate your legal entity.
Refer to the Accounts API for instructions on how to retrieve your account information. You may skip this step if you already know your master account Id and account Id.

3. Retrieve Notifications

Retrieve Notifications List

The method can be used to retrieve all notifications of the customers account. 

 Method GET
End point /v1/notifications
Headers Authorization, Master-Account-Id, Account-Id
Query Parameters type, timestamp
Body n/a


Sample Curl Request

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Master-Account-Id: <Master-Account-Id>' \
--header 'Account-Id: <Account-Id>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'



Field Name Mandatory Type Description
Master-Account-Id true string Customer master account identifier.
Account-Id true string Customer account identifier.
Authorization true string Token-based authentication.


Query Parameters

Field Name Mandatory Type Description
type false string(enum) Type of Notification.

values: [ DCIM Alerts, Emergency Repair, Planned Site Maintenance, Service Type Update ]
timestamp false string(date) Date on which the notification was generated.

Format: [yyyy-MM-dd]




Sample JSON Response

        "notificationId": "WO08680073PHX15COLO_8_Starbucks_Cage_8.04821707fa-ab6c-4939-afb6-bdc3b43a136a",
        "woOrAlertNumber": "WO08680073",
        "notificationDescription": "Pumps PM Semi-Annual (Q3/Q4) PHX15_BASE_NM_CP4_CWP_1",
        "siteCode": "PHX015",
        "location": "COLO 8 Starbucks Cage 8.04",
        "notificationType": "Planned Site Maintenance",
        "timestamp": "2023-10-30 13:00:00",
        "isDcimNotification": false,
        "readFlag": false,
        "deleteFlag": false


Payload Description

Field Name Type Description
notificationId string(80) Identifier of the notification.
woOrAlertNumber string(20) Identifier of the work order.
notificationDescription string(160) Full description of notification.
siteCode string(6) Identifier of the receiving DLR facility.
location string(40) Identifier of customer premise within DLR facility. (Suite, Floor)
notificationType string(enum) Type of notification.

values: [ DCIM Alerts, Emergency Repair, Planned Site Maintenance, Service Type Update ]
timestamp string(date-time) Date on which the notification was generated.

format: [yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss] timezone: [UTC]
isDcimNotification boolean Indicates if notification is a DCIM notification.
readFlag boolean Indicates if notification is read.
deleteFlag boolean Indicates if notification is deleted.

Retrieve Notifications Details

The method can be used to retrieve the details of a notification.

 Method GET
End point /v1/notifications/{notificationId}
Headers Authorization, Master-Account-Id, Account-Id
Query Parameters n/a
Body n/a


Sample Curl Request

curl --location --request GET '<notificationId>' \
--header 'Master-Account-Id: <Master-Account-Id>' \
--header 'Account-Id: <Account-Id>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'



Field Name Mandatory Type Description
Master-Account-Id true string Customer master account identifier.
Account-Id true string Customer account identifier.
Authorization true string Token-based authentication.


Query Parameters




Sample JSON Response

    "notificationId": "WO08680073PHX15COLO_8_Starbucks_Cage_8.04821707fa-ab6c-4939-afb6-bdc3b43a136a",
    "woOrAlertNumber": "WO08680073",
    "site": "PHX015",
    "location": "PHX15_BASE_NM_CP4_CWP_1",
    "ticketType": "Customer Support",
    "activityType": "Mechanical",
    "activitySubType": "Chiller",
    "activityCategory": "Chiller Maintenance - Off line",
    "approvalStatus": "Approved",
    "status": "Ready",
    "serviceType": "Planned Maintenance",
    "riskLevel": "High",
    "startDate": "2023-10-30 13:00:00",
    "endDate": "",
    "highLevelSummary": "1\tThroughout these instructions, if any clarification is needed, please refer to site specific MOPs.\n2\tAll Electrical PPE measures are in place & being utilized as defined/required in MOP/SOP. \n3\t",
    "isDcimNotification": false


Payload Description

Field Name Type Description
notificationId string(80) Identifier of the notification.
woOrAlertNumber string(20) Identifier of the work order.
site string(6) Identifier of the receiving DLR facility.
location string(40) Identifier of customer premise within DLR facility. (Suite, Floor)
ticketType string(enum) Type of ticket.

values: [Customer Support ,Remote Hands, Shipping and Receiving , Facility Access]
activityType string Type of Activity
activitySubType string Type of SubActivity
activityCategory string Category of Activity
approvalStatus string Approval Status
status string Ticket Status
serviceType string Type of Service
riskLevel string Level of Risk
startDate string(date-time) Date on which the notification was generated.

format: [yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss] timezone: [UTC]
endDate string(date-time) Date on which the notification ended.

format: [yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss] timezone: [UTC]
highLevelSummary string High Level Summary of Notification
isDcimNotification boolean Indicates if notification is a DCIM notification.

4. Update Notifications

Update a Notification

The method can be used to update a notification. 

 Method PUT
End point /v1/notifications/{notificationId}
Headers Authorization, Master-Account-Id, Account-Id, Content-Type
Query Parameters n/a
Body readFlag, deleteFlag


Sample Curl Request

curl --location --request PUT '<notification_id>' \
--header 'Master-Account-Id: <Master-Account-Id>' \
--header 'Account-Id: <Account-Id>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "readFlag": true,
  "deleteFlag": true



Field Name Mandatory Type Description
Master-Account-Id true string Customer master account identifier.
Account-Id true string Customer account identifier.
Authorization true string Token-based authentication.
Content-Type true string Indicates the request body format.

value: [application/json]


Query Parameters



Field Name Mandatory Type Description
readFlag false boolean Indicates if notification is read.
deleteFlag false boolean Indicates if notification is marked as deleted.


Sample JSON Response


Payload Description


5. Add a Comment

Text (formatted, long)

Add Comments

Add comments to an existing work order. Multiple comments can be added to a work order as long as the status of the order is not closed or cancelled. Refer to the Comments API instructions on how to add comments. You may skip this step if you already know how to add comments.

Response Codes

Text (formatted, long)

Please check the Response Codes overview in case of any issues.

Need Help?

Have not found what you are looking for, please do not hesitate to reach out to us!
