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CrossConnectInventory-v2 2.0.0


Cross Connect Inventory API

cross connectCross Connect can be viewed as a physical connection between customer A to customer Z and helps reduce network latency. The Cross Connect Inventory API provides secure access and automates the process for our customers to get their Cross Connect inventory data.

The Cross Connect Inventory API also provides crucial business information about the cross connect like

  1. Panel and port information at the A end and Z end
  2. Cross connect Media Type (copper, Fiber, DS1, DS3, Ethernet)
  3. A side Port Status
  4. Z side customer name
  5. Order details


Cross Connect Inventory API

The Cross Connect Inventory API allows the customer to view any Cross Connect details in which they are currently enrolled in with DLR.

Check the How to Guide page to learn how to use the Cross Connect Inventory API.

Need Help?

Have not found what you are looking for, please do not hesitate to reach out to us!
